『Event detection and co-reference with minimal supervision』阅读笔记
- weakly supervised algorithm——i唯一监督信息是提供对于event type 的先验知识,限定了type 的feature vector
- Event detection: constructing a feature vector using several instances of the type, and measures similarity with the event vector(embedding) of a text;
- 通过co-reference: measures similarity between two event vector 得到相似event mention 的集合,提高预测精度
- similarity都是在语义层面上,两个vector间的相似度度量用的都是余弦相似性
- Freebase
- event表示:SRL 以谓词为中心(认为一般trigger为谓词)
- 对事件向量的表示做修改,更强调谓词的作用,具体使用的现有的embedding方法看具体的效果,没有特别指定
- 逆着用 event type classification过程——已知type的vector,用于Event Mention Detection
- 共指co-reference:比较event vector 的相似度
Uses a weakly supervised algorithm to tackle Event detection and co-reference problem.
In the article, both event detection and co-reference problem both are considered similarity detection problems. Using several instances of each type as event vectors of that type, calculating the similarity between the new event vector and event vector of each type, judging whether the event belongs to that type based on similarity.
- Event detection: identifying whether an event in context is semantically related to a set of events of a specific type.
- Co-reference problem: whether two event mentions are semantically similar enough to indicate that the author intends to refer to the same thing.
As for Event detection, more like constructing a feature vector using several instances of the type, and measures similarity with the event vector of a text;
As for co-reference problem, measures similarity between two event vector.
- How to represent an event: using SRL, different embedding methods(ESA, BC, W2V, DEP) to convert event components structured vector representation.
- How to measure similarity: calculating the cosine distance.
Structured Vector Representation
Event triggers are mostly predicates of sentences or clauses. Predicates roughly corresponds to event types.
Map SRL arguments to : action, agentsub, agentobj , location and time.
Event Mention Detection
We define the event type representation as the numerical average of all vector representations corresponding to example events under that type.
similarity measurement:
Event co-reference
We compare agentsub and agentobj . If none of the types for the aligned event arguments match, this pair is determined to be in conflflict. If the event argument is missing, we deem it compatible with any type.
we generate a “conflict set”.
For event not in “conflict set”,
developing an event detection and co-reference system with minimal supervision, in the form of a few event examples.
We view these tasks as semantic similarity problems between event mentions or event mentions and an ontology of types我们将这些任务视为事件提及或事件与类型本体之间的语义相似性问题
模型利用文本的结构our semantic relatedness function exploits the structure of the text by making use of a semantic-role-labeling based representation of an event.
- 理解事件还需要理解它们之间的关系Understanding events also necessitates understanding relations among them。关系有助于确定两个文本片段是否表示同一事件
- the frame-based structure of events基于帧的事件结构必须解决多个耦合问题(multiple coupled problems),这些问题很难单独研究。
- 可能是更核心的问题:whether current set of events’ definitions is adequate
- 该领域当前的评估方法侧重于事件的有限领域 limited domain of event
- Consequently, this allows researchers to train supervised systems that are tailored to these sets of events and that overfit the small domain covered in the annotated data, rather than address the realistic problem of understanding events in text训练的模型是适合于带注释的数据所覆盖的小范围的监督系统
- 根本上说,事件检测是关于识别上下文中的事件是否与特定类型的事件集有语义上的关联;事件共同引用是关于两个事件提及在语义上是否足够相似,以表明作者打算引用相同的内容。如果将事件检测和共引用表示为语义相关性问题,则可以对其进行扩展以处理更多类型,并且有可能跨领域进行概括。此外,这样做有助于我们使用大量数据,这些数据不属于现有带注释的事件集合,甚至不属于同一域。
- 主要的问题是 a. how to represent events。 b. how to model event similarity。 这些都很难,因为events have structure
1 我们的框架:
which essentially requires no labeled data;Event examples 是唯一的监督来源,用于产生 Example vectors
在实践中,为了将事件映射到事件本体(map an event mention to an event ontology)(作为与用户通信的方式),对于用户想要提取的每种类型,我们只需要用纯文本形式的几个事件示例即可。event type 用几个example作为definition
与标准无监督方法相比,我们的方法所做的假设要少得多less assumption,后者通常需要实例的集合和实例之间的近似相似性才能最终学习模型。
给定事件类型定义,我们可以classify a single event into a provided ontology 然后判断两者是否are co-referent
从这个意义上讲,我们的方法类似于所谓的无数据分类dataless classification
a. 首先,为了表示事件结构event structures,我们使用通用的名义general purpose nominal和语言语义角色标记verbial semantic role labeling representation(SRL)表示。这使我们能够开发事件的结构化表示。
b. 我们将事件组件embed event component在保持结构的同时嵌入到多个语义空间中,在上下文,主题和句法层面上。 multiple semantic space at a contextual, topical, and syntactic levels.
1). 这些语义空间的组合以及事件的结构化矢量表示,使我们能够直接确定候选事件的提及是否为有效事件。如果是,则是哪种类型。
2). 且在具有相同表示形式的情况下,我们可以评估事件相似性,并确定两个事件提及是否是共同引用,所以这个模型can also adapt to new domains without any training
A few event examples就是MSEP所需要的全部监督信息了。这些示例甚至一劳永逸地确定了需要确定的几个决策阈值,并用于我们评估的所有测试案例。
- event mentions
- semantic-role-labeling based representation of an event
- event co-reference on benchmark data sets
- transfer across domains 跨域转移
- event co-reference problem——determining whether two snippets of text represent the same event or not
- dataless classification(Chang et al., 2008; Song and Roth,2014).
- 通用的名义general purpose nominal
- 语言语义角色标记verbial semantic role labeling representation(SRL)
- ESA vector
- seed-based event trigger labeling technique employed in Bronstein et al. (2015)
- the mention-pair model in entity co-reference (Ng and Cardie, 2002; Bengtson and Roth,2008; Stoyanov et al., 2010),
- the Illinois Wikification (Chengand Roth, 2013) tool
- Explicit Semantic Analysis(ESA), Brown Cluster (BC), Word2Vec (W2V) and Dependency-Based Word Embedding (DEP)
- TF-IDF vector
- event detection 即 trigger identification
2 The MSEP System
2.1 Structured Vector Representation
事件结构和句子结构存在相似性,事件触发器 Event triggers主要是句子或从句 clauses的谓词Predicates。谓词可以消除歧义sense disambiguated
事件自变量Event arguments主要是实体提及entity mentions或时间/空间自变量temporal/spatial argument。它们充当事件中的特定角色,类似于为谓词分配角色标签的SRL参数
Illinois SRL pre-process the text。 good coverage of SRL predicates and arguments on event triggers and arguments
评估事件触发器和事件参数event triggers and event arguments,的SRL覆盖率。 对于事件触发器,我们仅关注recall,因为我们希望事件提及检测模块vent mention detection能够过滤掉大多数非触发谓词。即使我们仅获得近似的事件参数,将其归类为五个抽象角色也比确定事件触发器的确切角色标签更容易,更可靠。
a. set predicates as actions,and preserve SRL negations for action;
b. set SRL subject as$agent_{sub}$
c. set SRL object and indirect object as $agent_{obj}$
d. set SRL spatial argument as event location如果没有此类SRL标签,则将扫描该动作所属的句/句中的任何NER位置标签 NER location label。我们会根据NER信息设置位置set the location according to NER information如果它存在
e. We set the SRL temporal argument as event time. 如果没有这种 SRL label, 则use the Illinois Temporal Expression Extractor 在事件的主句或从句中找到temporal argument
f. 允许$agent_{sub}、agent_{obj}$、location or time missing, 但是action一定有
在2.3中我们将每个事件分量event component转换为其相应的向量vector representation表示形式
我们将action所在的主句或从句作为上下文信息,append its corresponding vector to the event representation。 对missing 的event arguments, we set the corresponding vector to be “NIL” (we set each position as “NaN”)
- 我们还通过连接更多的文本片段来增强事件向量表示,以增强动作和其他自变量之间的交互
Here, “+” means that we first put text fragments together and then convert the combined text fragment into an ESA vector
- 本质上,我们将事件结构展宽以保留事件参数的对齐方式,以便结构化信息可以反映在向量空间中。
2.2 Event Mention Detection
我们将针对每个事件类型标签下描述的事件示例使用ACE注释准则turn to ACE annotation guidelines for event examples described under each event type label 即在ACE的guidelines event types下找event examples
则event type的表示可以用the numerical average of all vector representations corresponding to example events under that type.
我们使用事件候选者event candidate与事件类型event type表示之间的相似性来确定候选者是否属于事件类型
请注意,可能缺少事件参数 event argument(NIL)。在这种情况下,我们使用该特定组件的所有非NIL相似度分数的平均值作为贡献分数
2.3 Event Co-reference
在应用共同引用模型之前,我们首先使用外部知识库来识别冲突事件,the Illinois Wikification tool link event arguments to Wikipedia pages
使用Wikipedia ID,我们将事件参数event arguments映射到Freebase条目。我们将顶层Freebase类型视为事件参数类型event argument type。一个事件参数可以包含多个wiki的实体entities,从而导致多个Wikipedia页面以及一组Freebase类型。我们还使用NER标签扩充了参数类型集argument type set:PER(人)和ORG(组织)。如果我们检测到这样的命名实体,则添加NER标签之一
conflict: we check event arguments $agent_{sub}、agent_{obj}$ respectively.如果对齐的事件参数的类型都不匹配,则确定 this pair该对存在冲突。 如果缺少事件参数,我们认为它与任何类型兼容。。通过检查是否有conflict,得到一个$Set_{conflict}$,里面的元素间不会有共指链接 co-reference links
left-linking greedy algorithm————for performing event co-reference inference::
当$S(e_p,e_{k+1})$ event-pair similarity大于一个阈值时,make co-reference links。这个阈值是tuned only on event examples ahead of time。这里的$e_{k+1}$相当于共指聚类的聚类中心,当$e_{k+1}$和$e\in\{e_1,e_2,e_3,…,e_k\}$所有的event的相似度都低于阈值时,将$e_{k+1}$作为一个新的聚类中心的
3. Vector Representations
测试了包括 Explicit Semantic Analysis(ESA), Brown Cluster (BC), Word2Vec (W2V) and Dependency-Based Word Embedding (DEP) 分别将文本转换为矢量。然后,我们将事件的所有组成部分串联在一起,以形成结构化的向量表示形式。
3.1 Explicit Semantic Analysis ESA显式语义分析
使用Wikipedia作为外部知识库为给定的文本片段生成概念generate concepts for a given fragment of text (Gabrilovich和Markovitch,2009年)。ESA首先将给定的文本片段表示为TF-IDF向量,然后对每个单词使用一个反向索引来搜索Wikipedia语料库。因此,文本片段表示是对应于其单词的概念向量的加权组合。我们使用与Chang等人(2008)中相同的设置来过滤掉少于100个单词的页面和少于5个超链接的页面。为了在ESA表示的有效性和成本之间取得平衡,我们使用权重最高的200个概念。因此,我们将每个文本片段转换为数以百万计的非常稀疏的矢量(但我们仅存储200个非零值)
3.2 Brown Cluster
support abstraction in NLP tasks,测量单词的分布相似度measuring words’ distributional similarities。 This method generates a hierarchical tree of word clusters by evaluating the word co-occurrence based on a n-gram mode
use the implementation by Song and Roth (2014) generated over the latest Wikipedia dump转储.使用长度为4,6和10的路径前缀的组合作为我们的BC表示。Thus, we convert each word to a vector of $2^4+2^6+2^{10}=1104$dimensions
3.3 Word2Vec
the skip-gram tool by Mikolov etal. (2013) over the latest Wikipedia dump, resulting in word vectors of dimensionality 200.
3.4 Dependency-Based Embedding
DEP is the generalization of the skip-gram model with negative sampling to include arbitrary contexts. In particular, it deals with dependency-based contexts, and produces markedly different embeddings. DEP exhibits more functional similarity than the original skip-gram embeddings (Levy and Goldberg, 2014). We directly use the released 300-dimension word embeddings
请注意,对于ESA,这是直接的文本向量转换。但是对于BC,W2V和DEP,我们首先从文本中remove stop words,然后对所有剩余的词向量进行元素平均,以生成文本碎片的结果向量表示。
4 Experiments
4.1 Datasets
ACE ACE-2005英语语料库(NIST,2005)包含细粒度的事件注释event annotations,包括事件触发器,参数,实体和时间戳记注释event trigger, argument, entity, and time-stamp annotations。我们从新闻报道中选择40个文档进行事件检测评估,其余用于培训(与Chen等人(2015年)相同)。我们对事件共同引用进行了十折交叉验证
TAC-KBP TAC-KBP-2015语料库带有事件块event nuggets ,分为38种类型,并且事件之间具有共同引用关系.我们使用官方TAC提供的训练/测试数据拆分
4.2 Compared Systems
4.3 Evaluation Metrics
对于事件检测,我们使用标准精度,召回率和F1指标。对于事件共指event co-reference,我们使用标准F1指标比较所有系统。
4.4 result
在事件检测上,SSED achieves state-of-the-art performance。。。SEED和MSEP都是使用SRL谓词作为输入,因此可以使用更好的SRL模块进一步改进。
4.5 Results for Event Co-reference
关于如何进行Semantic Role Labeling,先引用juewang博客中的内容引用)